Monday, March 4, 2013

my (not so) new home

well, here it is, as promised (kinda I guess), my not so new home! moved in on 12 January! :-)
IMG_2267 IMG_2268 IMG_2269 IMG_2270 IMG_2271 IMG_2272 IMG_2273 IMG_2274

In case you're wondering:
#1: I used my fisheye lens so that everything will be compressed tgt into one photo (kind of like paranoma effect [want to show you guys the whole view instead of taking a few photos])
#2: I used an app on my iPhone to edit, so...............................yup.
#3: I'm only showing my room, coz my parents' and brother's rooms are more private, not my place to share with the cyber world!
#4: Yes, I have a walk-in wardrobe.
#5: I designed my room on my own, and yes I am aware it looks like a little girl's room, but hey I'm just making up for what I was deprived in my childhood LOL

So far, I've love this new home, it's bigger, roomier (MY OWN ROOM AFTER 18 YEARS). But as compared to my previous neighborhood, I prefer the old one. It's more convenient than this current one. This new place, I'll have to walk ard 15min to get to the market area where there's more coffee shops and food choices. Supermarket is also a 10-15min. At my previous place, it was just 5min or lesser since it's just downstairs! So yup, but hey, at least I get to walk to school now, save up on transport haha!

I guess I really really love my new room, it's much smaller than my brother's but then again, I'm glad I gave up on the bigger room. If not, I wouldn't have my wardrobe like this, and I feel much cozier in here than in the bigger room! It's so comfy that I could stay in it all day and only head out when necessary oops hahahaha!

So yup that's my (not so) new home! Hope you've enjoyed this post! Follow me on instagram and twitter (@kisstoactivate) for more updatesssssssssssss. Goodbye for now lovelies, stay beautiful! ;-)



Anonymous said...

I love your new house and room. Definitely look much better than you previous house. Such a spacious room and house!

Fion ☼ said...

Haha thank you :-) But who are you? How would you know how my previous house looks like? Lol!