Monday, September 17, 2012

because people have stopped to mean what they've said.

i'm really tired of liking boys, really. don't get me wrong, i ain't taking the curved path, just that i'm really sick and tired of boys' behaviours, the way they treat girls. all those talking and tweets about how well they would treat girls, well it's simply bullshit. think, if they really meant it, why are there still so many girls with their hearts getting broken every single day? one good example would be when girls have crushes on boys. if the boys know about the crush, why can't you do something about it? act as thou you don't know anything puts the girl in misery. toying with the girl's feelings is just heartless. why not just tell the girl straight away how you feel about it? sure, if you don't like the girl back, it's gonna hurt her but at least she'll understand, and move on. AND you still get to be friends with her.

boys, please, just stop all these fucking attitudes, if you've said you'll treat girls right, you had better fucking mean it. we girls are not complicated at all, we are so simple that you and your tiny pea sized brains think that we are way too complicated for you to handle.

sigh, i'm sorry for this erm rant? i'm just.......another broken hearted girl i suppose.

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