Monday, February 18, 2013

little talks.

because i am cute................................KIDDING
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(credits to Cousin Mindy) ♡
CNY day 1
and here's day 2! 
 well day 3 was housewarming which Harry Engtuck Ernest Shimin and Candy came! Thanks guys for coming over!!! ♡♡♡ no pictures thou, was busy being the most awkward person in the whole wide world, so awkward that I actually went to the kitchen to accompany my dogs (they were locked up and crying) instead of serving the guests. Hmm maybe pictures of my (not so new) home soon? :-) 
 I still don't know if I should still keep updating this space, my life's too boring, too busy at times, too camera shy me hahaha. We'll step at a time. Btw Vday was well spent with my dear rebels MeiXian and Rachel! Sushi wasn't all nice but a small shopping spree afterwards made it all better! Sadly Lycia wasn't able to make it, but it's ok, a full rebel gathering soon!! 
 I only have one paper to study for and I still haven't started, seriously need to stop procrastinating sigh! I NEED TO ACE THIS! Or just a 'B+' will do LOL. A short getaway with my parents after the paper, can't wait for some nice alone time at the cafe with my (good and non-braincells-damaging) books. Hopefully I'll bring my cam along for some nice visuals for everyone! Oh and found a job alrdy! So fast right? Hahaha well just spent $230 today, so how can I not find a job quickly? Before I end this short post, just a reminder to those born in the year of pig! Try to be careful this year, gamble lesser (I know it's CNY, but still!) Sadly, this ain't our year so yeah, do take care of yourselves! 
 photos are all from instagram, so might as well follow me there! twitter too! (@kisstoactivate). Add me up on facebook too guys hahahahaha, my newsfeed is full of the same ol' people, I'm getting really...........bored just reading their posts.

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